What is the platform Podkrepi.bg

We want to create an open-source charity platform, in which the transparency removes the chances of misuse of the donated funds, both by campaign organizers and by the internal team of the donation platform.

What has been done already


members of the Association


meetings held


hours invested

Organized our work (Discord, Drive, GitHub, Ora.pm, splitting into teams).
Choice of logo and design.
A non-profit organization as well as a trademark "Podkrepi BG" was registered.
Partnered for free hosting services with Superhosting and ICN.bg.
For now we utilise the following means of self-sufficiency - yearly membership fee, individual and corporate donations for the association, potentially we're thinking of applying for a funding program, but that's for the long-term plan.
Opened a donations account in
UniCredit Bulbank
IBAN: BG66 UNCR 7000 1524 3490 32
with holder Association Podkrepi BG.
Held a series of meetings with NGO representatives to understand better and define the problem which we have to solve.
Wrote up 270 user stories and chose the path for achieving a Minimum Lovable Product.
We have active teams working on the frontend and on the key modules for creating campaigns and handling payments.
We united around using a microservice architecture, so that more people with different technology backgrounds can be involved.
The project is being developed on GitHub. (link)
The documentation for the social aspect of the project is on GitBook. (link)
Technical documentation. (link)

Tech Stack

  • Local Docker-Compose stack
  • Kubernetes clusters (Staging/Production)
  • CI/CD pipeline in GitHub Actions
  • Rancher
  • Keycloak Authentication
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • NextAuth.js
  • React
  • MaterialUI
  • SCSS
  • Formik
  • MobX
  • React Query
  • Yup
  • Sentry
  • TypeScript
  • Nest.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • Jest
  • Sentry

Our timeline

  • October 2020
    Birth of the idea of building a donation platform by volunteers.
  • November 2020
    Creating Discord server for the Project.
  • December 2020
    Distribution by expert areas and selection of leads.
  • December 2020
    Preparation of 270 User Stories as the basis for the platform.
  • February 2021
    Registration of the association.
  • March 2021
    Start project's information site.
  • April 2021
    Start the activity of other main teams.
  • May 2021
    Choosing a business model for self-support of the platform
  • September 2021
    Two dev hackathons boosting up the development productivity.
  • April 2021
    Impementing the base functinality for creating campaigns, donation, user registration and the needed operations with base entities of the platform.
  • Augustт 2022
    Launch of a beta version of the platform.
  • November 2022
    Official launch of version 1.0 of the platform.