Да дадем равни възможности за спортуване на децата с увреждания, като изградим игрище за ПЕТАНК

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Start date:

11 Nov 2022

End date:



СБР Ясен гр. Банкя

Image of СБР Ясен гр. Банкя

ПараКидс Сдружение СК Шарк

[email protected]
campaign.image-of  ПараКидс Сдружение СК Шарк

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Image of Марияна Каролева

Podkrepi.bg Operator:

Марияна Каролева

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100% of the donation goes to those in need

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Financial report

Amount Collected: BGN 13,520.01

Аvailable: BGN 0.01

Guaranteed: BGN 0.00

Translated: BGN 13,520.00

Accounted: BGN 0.00

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The campaign was supported by

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BGN 13,52001
BGN 12,96000